
Railtown Creates AI that Accelerates
Software Development

Our unique AI SaaS platform is 100% owned and in-house developed

The fully commercialized IP is rapidly scaling up as Railtown ramps up its targeted international marketing efforts

How our AI Software Works

Railtown’s platform helps small and medium sized businesses (SMBs) or Enterprise organizations develop software faster and easier:

  • Continually learns from the client’s connected applications
  • Enables developers to extract significantly deeper knowledge about their connected applications and their development teams
  • Provides actionable knowledge for all our client's stakeholders, from developers to C-level management
  • Increases engineering performance and velocity by performing a variety of traditionally manual tasks


Root Cause Analyzer

Detects errors at earliest stage, then sends meaningful description alerts to dev team

Value Delivered:

  • Errors caught and resolved better and faster
  • Errors prioritized by severity and timeliness
  • Team can address issues before they affect users or cause catastrophic problems
  • Saves 8+ hours per week per developer
  • Drives down technical debt and saves money

Conductor: AI Assistant

Answers developers’ questions about the application, its development, errors, fixes, etc.

Value Delivered:

  • Fast and accurate access to needed info
  • Natural language reason-based answers
  • Relevant and actionable info enables faster problem solving and solutions
  • AI engine learns from developer feedback to improve its ability and depth of knowledge

Velocity Dashboard

Provides metrics on speed and efficiency of creating, modifying and deploying code

Value Delivered:

  • Tracks performance of team and developers
  • Helps determine team capacity
  • Facilitates dev planning and forecasting
  • Enables evaluation of estimates and dev plans
  • Enables management to reward top performers and to coach underperformers


Release Notes Automator

Automatically generates release notes for users, developers, team leads, marketing and managers

Value Delivered:

  • Replaces the need for developers to do repetitive manual work
  • Boosts productivity by freeing up potential development time
  • Generates release notes in under 2 minutes
  • Notes are presented in clear, business-like format

Ticket Generator

Generates and pushes work tickets into dev team’s preferred project management tool

Value Delivered:

  • AI engine draws on knowledge of previous tickets to inform creation of requested ticket
  • Accelerates ticket creation process through developers using natural language chat prompts
  • Reduces manual work for developers
  • Supports increased team velocity

Progress Reports

Generates executive summary of any deployment and completed ticket set

Value Delivered:

  • AI engine collects and organizes latest data from across connected application
  • Effortless execution increases how frequently progress reports will be generated
  • Increases productivity by reducing manual work

CREATES Solutions

API No-Code Virtual Developer

Creates new platform features and software solutions based on users’ natural language chat prompts

Value Delivered:

  • Users don’t need to know how to code
  • Boosts productivity by freeing up potential development time
  • Users freely contribute to the Railtown Platform’s overall functionality, diversity and value
  • Clients more likely to remain loyal due to customizing platform and creating preferred features
  • Elevates Railtown to a Developer Platform, which unlocks unicorn-level opportunities